Express yourself * Know yourself * Trust yourself * Accept yourself

About Me
I am a creatrix, a mother, a lover of the Earth, a dancer, a deep diver, an Expressive artist, a teacher. Having taught at the elementary school level now for 27 years, what I have always valued most is my connection with the students, creating a safe space, supporting them to shine their light and unlock their gifts, and encouraging the expression of creativity and imagination. As a Life Coach and Soul Artist, my focus remains the same, for both children and adults alike.
I would like to honour my teachers . . .
I received my Soul Art Certification from Canadian artist, Laura Hollick.
I am trained as a Life Coach through the Kids Coaching Connection Coaching Program, a fully accredited program through the International Coach Federation, by Facilitator Michelle LeRoy, program created by Susan Howson.
It brings me great joy to guide individuals closer to freedom by encouraging a stance of curiosity, inquiry, and compassion for self. I empower individuals to lead themselves on a journey of self-discovery and am excited and honoured to be witness to the transformation that ensues.

let the beauty of what you love, be what you do.